12 most misunderstood words

  • Historical

You think it means : historiac.

It means : pertaining to the past, but not necessarily important to it or a part of it.

  • Novel

You think it means : any book.

It means : a book that is a work of fiction.

  • Less

You think it means : fewer.

It means : a smaller amount of uncountable nouns.

  • Continual

You think it means : with no interruptions. But it means duration over a long period of time, not necessarily without interruptions.

  • Infamous

You think it means : famous

But it means : having extremely bad reputation ; never used in a positive manner.

  • Systematic

You think it means : systemic, pertaining to or affecting the body as a whole.

It means : involving a system, method or plan ; orderly.

  • Proscribe

You think it means : prescribe ; to order the use of something. Such as midication ; to direct or to dictate.

It means : to denounce, panish outlaw, or exile.

  • Penultimate

You think it means : above, beyond, or better than ultimate.

It means : next to last.

  • Precocious

You think it means : cautious or misbehaving .

It means: unusually advanced in development, especially mentally.

  • Alternate

You think it means : alternative.

It means : to interchange regularly.

  • Moot

You think it means : no longer open for debate; factually wrong.

It means : open for debate, an argument or discussion.

  • Nauseous

You think it means : nauseated.

But it means : to induce nausea.

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